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Concepts Guide

The goal of the concepts guide is to introduce all important concepts of the Cinnamon Consolidation & Accounting product.

Table of Contents



Terms defined


  • What is “Cinnamon Consolidation & Accounting”?

  • Key differentiating factors of Cinnamon Consolidation & Accounting

Cinnamon Consolidation & Accounting

Financial Instruments

  • Currencies

  • Securities, Accounts and Currency Forwards

  • Events and ACI

  • Instrument attributes and segments

Currency, Security, Instrument Type, Properties and Segments

Investment Structure

  • Investment structure tree

  • Position types

  • All structure tree nodes are transaction targets

Mandate, Portfolio, Depot, Security Position, Account Position, Currency Forward, Target

Consolidation and Context

  • Consolidations are a set of targets seen in a currency

  • Analysis, reporting and accounting happens within a context

Consolidation, Mandate/Free/Ad-hoc Consolidation, Analysis Period


  • Transactions are the first source of position keeping

  • Transactions correspond to a business event

  • Transaction types are parametrisable, extensible and historised

Transaction, Transaction Type

Market Data

  • Market data is the second source of position keeping

  • Prices types, rate types and market data providers

Security Master, Security Price, Index, FX Rate, Market Interest Rate, Market Data Provider

Position Keeping

  • Each consolidation maintains its history of bookrows and target states

Consolidation History, Bookrow, Target State


  • Security and currency valuation

  • ACI calculation

  • Currency forward valuation

  • Bond figure calculation

Price Finding, Rate Finding, ACI, FX Forward Valuation, Bond Yield & Duration

Return & Risk

  • Return and risk from position history

  • Multiple, parametrisable net returns

MWR, TWR and IRR, Gross and Net, Performance Start, Volatility


  • Rule based charts of accounts

  • Closing chains

  • Valuation methods

Chart of Accounts, Balance, Profit & Loss, Closing, Closing Chain


  • Composite, rebalanced benchmarks

  • Periodic and explicit rebalancing

  • Strategies over multiple and hierarchical segmentations

Benchmark Index, Benchmark, Strategy, Rebalancing, Contribution and Attribution


Ad-hoc Report

Import & Export

  • JSON interface for bulk import from and export to external systems

  • Import management for daily custodian and market data imports

  • Reconciliation with assets reported by custodians

Import Package, Import Object, Reconciliation, Exports


  • Comprehensive REST API for user interfaces and external systems

REST API, API Authorisation


  • System parameters

  • Instrument and target attributes and segmentations

  • User and organisation (tenant) management and authorisation

  • System management

User, Organisation, Authorisation, Parameter, Administrative Functions, Configuration

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