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Report Ordering (Features)


  • Ordering of ad-hoc and periodic reports for clients/portfolios

  • Flexible support for reporting parameters

Cinnamon Features



Order Entry

  • Provide UI’s for

    • simple ad-hoc report ordering

    • setting up stored (scheduled) reports orders

    • setting up (stored) batch orders (generating multiple productions/executions)

  • Monitor all executions started in current user session

  • Scheduled report orders will often be entered / amended as part of a workflow

  • Report scheduling is normally based on data availablility and configured by parameters like frequency, data availability levels etc.

Flexible support for
Reporting Parameters

  • Support to enter report parameters

    • basic parameters like reportType, reportingDate, portfolioId, etc,

  • Helper-UI's to allow entering complex and solution-specific parameters like

    • “List of Segmentations”

    • “List of Return Types”

    • etc.

Batch Orders

  • UI support to manage batch orders

  • Support to run a full or partial batch order (as a test run)

  • Support to schedule and execute batch orders

Order Collections

  • Order collections allow to immediately run a series of (single or batch) report orders for use cases like report re-productions, regression testing or load testing.

Report Order Management

  • Show and filter all report executions

  • Show and filter all issues generated by report executions

  • Export issues to Excel

Report Ordering Workflows

  • See feature “WF Workflows”

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