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Report Production (Features)


  • Report scheduling

  • Execution of ad-hoc or standing report-orders

    • Gather data from data sources

    • Trigger report delivery

  • Allow batching of multiple reports

  • Reporting monitoring

Cinnamon Features



Report Scheduling

  • Generate report executions from periodic report-orders

  • Triggering executions by comparing

    • data availability in the main datasource (for a reporting date and given data quality)

    • periodic report-orders not yet executed

Report Execution

  • Execution of report report-order producing the requested output formats (json, html, word, pdf)

  • Gather data from needed data sources incl. caching data for subsequent usage

  • Render reports for the requested channels

  • Trigger report delivery

  • Parallel report execution to increase reporting throughput

  • Order the waiting executions in a queue by a priority

Batch Reporting

  • Allow batching of multiple reports into single batch job

Admin UI

The Admin UI allows to

  • Overview of the status of all production processes (workers, rendering servers)

  • Overview of all running report executions (incl. batch jobs)

  • Promote, demote or cancel executions

  • Manage cached data

  • Manage word templates

User Interfaces

User interfaces to view

  • Web Order: Ad-Hoc ordering of reports.

  • Scheduled reports: Search, modify and create recurring orders.

  • Executions: Search for a given order, batch, status, execution date range, reporting date range etc.

  • Report Issues: Analyse issues for a given set of executions, filter by issue type, etc.

  • Report types: Modify or create reporting products that can be ordered.

  • Additional data: Manage business relevant data such as translations, disclaimers, (derived) segmentations and market commentaries.

  • Profiles: Create reusable parameter collections to facilitate mass customization.

Production logging

  • Log of relevant production events for later analysis in typical tools like Splunk, Grafana etc.

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