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Reporting Products (Concepts Guide)

An institution defines it’s reporting offering for it’s investment products or it’s client groups by defining the reporting products in Cinnamon Reporting. The elements that define the reporting products are:




Building Block

A Building Block

  • is the smallest element that defines a part of the report

  • consumes, interprets & intelligently handles data from the data source

  • handles all the Business Logic needed to generate consistent, understandable output from the given data

  • reacts on business-related Parameters to fulfil a large set of use cases

  • Performance Overview Chart

  • Asset Allocation Table

  • Portfolio Strategy Check

  • Transaction List

  • etc.

Report Type

A Report Type

  • defines the structure of a report

  • is defined using Building Blocks and setting their Parameters

  • has a tree structure, as some building blocks allow to have multiple children (e.g. Sections, Layouts etc.)

  • can define parts of the report as conditional or iterating on a list of input data

  • Fixed Income Mandate Report

  • Fund Fact Sheet

  • Family Office “XYZ” Reporting

  • Advisory Mandate Portfolio Overview

  • Investment Proposal Report

  • etc.


for Orders and Report Types

Parameters are used to configure Report Types to handle specific product / client requirements

  • show or hide specific contents (hide benchmark, show net or gross returns, hide chapters, etc.)

  • configure specific breakdowns to be used in asset allocations, contributions, etc.

  • configure important figures to be shown on overview pages

  • configure columns to be shown in position or transaction lists

  • replace generic with more specific content (portfolio commentaries)

  • etc.


for Building Blocks

While some ordering parameters can be interpreted by the building blocks as well, they normally add some more fine-granular parameters to adapt the Building Blocks behaivour to the intended use case in the Report Type

  • select figures to be shown (e.g. gross, net, benchmark, relative gross, relative net)

  • select periods to be shown (YTD, QTD, ITD, custom periods)

  • set a Segmentation as how to aggregate and order the data shown in tables and charts

  • select if weights are relative to total assets or relative to filtered assets

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