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Building Blocks (Features)


  • Set of re-usable building blocks that are used to compose report types

Cinnamon Features


Description / Details

Building Block Framework

Cinnamon provides a framework to quickly develop new and powerful building blocks that

  • are configurable by business understandable parameters (e.g. hideBenchmark)

  • that have intelligent default values that allow to add building blocks to a report type without configuration effort

  • provide the reporting logic to

    • handle exception cases (e.g. hide risk figures if <24 data points)

    • optimize the visualisations (e.g. mandates that have started within the reported period)

Building Block Testing

Cinnamon supports the definition of automated regression tests for each building block by defining test cases by

  • the parameter values for the test case

  • the expected result (abstract report)


Cinnamon can automatically produce a documentation of a building block showing

  • A sample visualisation for the building block

  • All parameters consumed including default values

  • A list of selected use cases (from the regression test cases or seperate documentation cases)

Available Building Blocks


Description / Details


Portfolio Information Blocks

Building blocks that show important information about the reported portfolio

  • Benchmark / strategy information

  • Portfolio contacts

  • Other masterdata

Portfolio Strategy


Fund Identifiers

Fund Sales Registrations

Key Figures Block

Flexible building block to report on key figures on portfolio level (e.g. “Total assets” or “Percentage invested in bonds” etc.)

(Risk) Key Figures

Key figures / key metrics

Performance Overview Blocks

Building blocks to report on the portfolios performance, e.g.

  • Table of monthly, quarterly or yearly returns vs. benchmark

  • Charts showing cumulative or monthly returns vs. benchmark

  • Charts showing annualised return figures

Performance monthly for YTD

Performance yearly

Performance yearly as chart

Performance chart YTD

Performance chart Long-term

Performance rolling periods

Performance chart rolling periods

Performance annualized

Performance chart annualized

And many more variants

Risk Blocks

Building blocks to report on the portfolios performance, e.g.

  • Tables showing absolute and relative risk figures (ex-ante and/or ex-post)

  • Scatter plot showing risk/return characterstics of portfolio vs. benchmark (on portfolio or asset class level)


Contribution & Attribution Blocks

Building blocks to report on the portfolios contribution & attribution, e.g.

  • Tables showing contribution figures (segment returns & weights for portfolio and benchmark) and attribution figures (effects like selection, allocation etc.)

  • Table listing position returns and contributions

  • Charts visualising relative contributions, etc.

Contribution MTD

Contribution vs. Benchmark Barchart

Contribution vs. Weight Scatter Plot

Attribution MTD

Attribution effects

Attribution effects as chart

And many more…

Valuation & Asset Breakdown Blocks

Building blocks to report on the portfolios valuation broken down by segmentations, e.g.

  • Tables showing segment weights for portfolio & benchmark

  • Tables listing portfolio positions showing flexible number of position details, segments and figures

  • Charts comparing current and past asset allocations of portfolio vs. benchmark

Asset allocation vs. Benchmark

Country/Currency allocation on map

Asset allocation as barchart

Top N positions

Position list

Two-dimensional Asset Allocation

Strategy check

Strategy check as table

Development of asset allocation

Development of asset allocation as chart

And many more…

ESG & Impact Reporting

Building blocks that show

  • an ESG risk view for the portfolio (typically vs. benchmark)

  • an impact view

ESG Risk

ESG Worst positions

Business activities

CO2 Emissions

SDG Alignment

And many more…

Investment strategy specific blocks

  • Private equity building blocks (e.g. IRR return analysis, committments etc.)

  • Currency overlay reporting

Currency overlay bandwitdth checking

Any specific building block can be built on request.

Other Blocks

Specialised building blocks to cover

  • Investment guidelines (e.g. swiss pension fund guidelines)

  • Regulatory compliance information

  • Dynamicly built disclaimers for different product groups and jurisdictions

  • Market data tables & charts

BVV2 check

Mifid service costs

ESG characteristica

And many more…

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