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Working with Profiles

A Cinnamon reporting solution is very flexible allowing to introduce new parameters to be used in orders and report types. As most parameters should only be needed in report orders they should have a default value that can depend on the client type, product type or portfolio. To set parameters to meaningful defaults Cinnamon proposes to use profiles.

Types of profiles

A Cinnamon reporting solution can support multiple types of profiles:

Profile type


Global Profile

  • Contains global defaults for all parameters

  • Contains global mappings like

    • product type / client type to profile

    • etc.

Product / Client Type Profile

  • Set default values that apply to this specific product type or client type

Portfolio Profile

  • Specific parameter values for this portfolio

User Interface

The user interface supports

  • Searching for a profile by id, name or contents

  • Search & replace parameter values in multiple profiles

  • Creating, duplicating, deleting profiles

  • Exporting & uploading of profiles

  • Publishing draft profiles

  • Compare profiles

Structure of a profile

The structure of a profile is very simple and contains a parameters object identical to a report order:

    "profileId": "sample_fixedIncomeProfile",
    "name": "Sample profile for fixed income portfolios",
    "parameters": {
        "attributionSegmentations": [
        "assetBreakdownSegmentations": [
        "positionListSegmentation": "currencies<6",
        "attributionModel": "Brinson",
        "riskModel": "factorModel",
        "cashflowFigures": [
        "keyFigures": [

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